student professional paper writer use cell phones to register clashes and spread the word online A place that should be synonymous with pursuit of knowledge and security is becoming the setting for scenes of violence. Schools in several regions of the country become the stage for fights between students. The internet and cell phone cameras have become tools for fostering and publicizing clashes between teenagers. With the phones, the students record the fights and use video portals to publicize the captured scenes. Firearms have already appeared in at least three recent cases. One of the students interviewed for the Jornal da Record report reported seeing a fight inside the school where one of those involved carried an English punch. According to the teenager, who had his identity preserved, the boy broke his colleague's nose, which had to be taken to the hospital. In a school in the interior of Bahia, a normal play among students left sequels. One of the boys, just 11, wrote the name of a colleague in a class girl's notebook. His colleague's reaction knocked out the boy. He was hit in the face by a punch. The blow moved the jaw and left him unconscious. He had to undergo two surgeries, lost four pounds and was away from school.
Read more education news In Minas Gerais, a student who was said to be a target of bullying decided to end the pranksters. The Assignment writing service attitude could have caused a tragedy. He decided to take his father's gun to school to frighten one of his classmates, who bothered him more than the others. He waited for a few minutes, in a corridor, for his colleague's arrival. Seeing him, he fired the shot. Images recorded by the school's security camera show colleagues trying to escape the student's reach. The scene was repeated at a school in Lauro de Freitas, Bahia. Around 7am, the victim was talking to a school employee near the entrance when a colleague pulled a gun from his backpack and fired five shots. The shot was rescued in a hurry. The victim's father, ElÃsio Jesus da Cruz, was outraged.
I feel insecure. Where did this kid get that gun? Mine could not. I do not even have a gun in my house. The problem does not reach only public schools. One student also used a firearm to protect himself from the aggression of colleagues. At the age of 13, the boy threw himself at the chest of a colleague two years older inside the school bathroom. The victim was taken to a hospital in the state capital. At the police station, the teenager who fired the shot said he took the gun, which was his father's, to defend himself, but said the shooting was accidental. The boy's father, imprisoned for carrying ilgal weapons, said he had never used the revolver, which he kept in a wardrobe. When teachers saw a target A student heard by the JR report said she had already witnessed students attempting to assault teachers. While some offend others, others use books as a weapon.
The violence made the teaching staff register absences. "We've lost some of the teachers here at school just because of this. Richard Araújo, coordinator of Apeoesp (Union of Teachers of Teaching of the State of São Paulo) of São Miguel Paulista, in the eastern zone of São Paulo, informs that teachers are giving up teaching because of salary and conditions presented. For the psycho-pedagogue Maria Irene Maluf, the scenario feeds itself from the acts of violence seen by the students. And the most disturbing, in the view of the specialist, is the lack of perspective of an end to the situation. - This is a stage that is moving. He who at the moment assists [violence], tomorrow practices. What today is a victim, tomorrow can be the aggressor and then tomorrow, he can be the assistant. The problem with this is that the moment that theater starts, which is a very mean theater, we do not know where it will stop. Watch the JR Danger at School special series:
Schools have seen violence among students; actions even involve firearms
Reviewed by Stephine
October 27, 2017

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