As millions of students someone write my research paper around the world including the United
States wait for their school results to arrive so they can make the
all-important decision of joining a college; most of them dream to join the top
colleges across the globe. But what are these elite colleges worth and whom they
Thousands of school students wait for their final results to
arrive around March and April each year; they feel enormous pressure and
tension from their peers, parents, family members, cousins and teachers who
offer them advice to join the best college for their bright future. Many
parents have a notion that there is a lot more difference if their child gets
admission in Princeton as compared to any other college; let us see how these
elite colleges create a difference between a successful and unsuccessful life.
Elite Colleges are most
According to the research on various college expenses
regarding elite schools and colleges, the results clearly identify that the
cost of joining an elite college after school is a lot more than joining an
ordinary college. The elite colleges often have a steady stream of wealthy kids
who have rich parents; they would pay any fee to have their son and daughter
admitted there. They usually offer little scholarships and financial assistance
to the elite students but also attract brightest students through various
scholarship schemes. But do they offer the opportunities and activities to
develop a successful career and lifetime satisfaction to the students?
Many Fields Do Not
Require a College Degree
The most lucrative field in the world does not require
students to possess a valid college degree from any institute. These careers
can pay very well without a college degree; most of the best jobs also do not
require a college degree. But some specialization and certification is a must
for students to thrive in these fields, these jobs include sales and marketing
executives, machinery and industrial mechanics, aircraft assemblers and
surgical technologists.
If the students join an elite college that would certainly
put their families and parents under a lot of financial burden and no guarantee
of a high-paying job after they graduate. The high school students who never
join a college sometimes earn more than college graduates in America; the
college graduates can earn slightly more than $17000 per year.
Moreover, the Assignment help service elite colleges can eat up the retirement funds
of mothers and fathers to provide a high-quality college education to their children.
These parents have to sacrifice, and they cannot invest into their future due
to high college fee.
Do Elite Colleges Lead
To higher Salaries
The formula of making wealth after getting their child into
an elite college does not hold true for all the parents; for the professions
like math, science, and engineering, it does not matter whether the student
goes to an elite college or does not even go to college at all. What really
matters is their desire to excel and gain skill in their fields.
A Less Expensive
College Can be a better Choice
In many jobs and areas of fields, the professionals are
getting paid for the services they deliver with their skills and expertise.
Therefore an elite college graduate does not have a bright future if they do
not develop the necessary skills during their learning years, they might end up
getting paid less than a high school graduate. Moreover, many years of
burdensome student loan payments also overwhelm many students who make a poor
financial decision at the start of their college.
It Is Hard to Get Admitted
in Elite College
Students with low SAT scores are often rejected from the
elite colleges, for many students, the college education is not the best option
if they are not good at taking tests. The ambitions, talents, and habits of
students count in their decision to join an elite college. The recent survey
has revealed that the most selective schools have made a difference in life
earnings of many African Americans. A lot of college students from the poor
families depend on the college to get an internship or job opportunity because
they do not live in a rich neighborhood with wealthy parents.
Many of the elite colleges like Washington University only
accept students from the top one percent and reject the rest of the students.
These colleges provide elite facilities and glittering classrooms. It has been
observed that the elite colleges have been least valuable for the students,
they are most likely to admit and are most valuable for those students who were
least likely to get an admission there. Therefore to save yourself from an
admission dilemma, make your priorities clear before applying and joining an
elite college. The overall affair can prove to be very expensive and
Author Bio
Derek Thompson is a technology enthusiast who helps hundreds
of students through his articles and blogs; he is a student of master degree in
What is an Elite College Worth ?
Reviewed by Stephine
October 21, 2017

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